Clown Shoes – Sept 2015

Having been inactive and gained 15 pounds since tearing my rotator cuff back in June, I decided today was the day to change my life around. Donning running shorts, a tee shirt and (aptly named by my neighbor) clown shoes, I took off for a 5 mile run on what has previously been my standard daily route.


Having run most of my life, running many 10K’s (as fast as an average 7 minute mile) as well as running a marathon (Marine Corps Marathon) many years back, I felt I could run without too much shame. Not so fast, big boy.

With jowls jiggling, belly bouncing and clown shoes clicking, I set off on my run. Well, call that run… walk… run… walk… There was, shall we say, a lot of heavy breathing going on. The good news is that with a blistering 13 minute mile, I have ample room for improvement.  I am pretty sure there are women at the Senior Center that walk farther and faster.

Anyone who enjoys running would probably concur with me that, as abusive as running can be on the body, there is not a good substitute; there is something very therapeutic about running. Until I can get rid of this extra baggage, though, I will persevere. Trudge onward, troops!

2 thoughts on “Clown Shoes – Sept 2015

  1. I really really want a pair if those socks…
    To quote Churchill: Never never never never never give up.

    You might not be doing a 7 minute mile, but you are absolutely killing all the couch potatoes doing zero miles. Who cares how fast it is. The only thing that matters is that you get back to wearing your stars and stripes bicentennial thong from 1976…
    I know you have one. Lose the pounds and wear it proudly.

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